Lady Warrior
A. Wilson, #16, Sophomore

Lady Warrior
C. King, #5, Outfield, Senior
Nickname: "Chipper"
My Hobbies/Interests: Basketball, FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), K.E.Y Club, Marching Band (Drum line Cymbals),Symphonic Band, Section Editor School Yearbook, helping others, and I like to read. :)
Fun Facts about Me: I like dolphins and heart shaped things and I'm a Virgo
My most memorable game was my freshman year when we played Doug in the pouring rain. It was cold and very windy and we won 12 to 1.
Nickname: "Rainbow"
Hobbies and Interests: Softball, Soccer, DIY's, photography, drawing, collecting rocks, ukelele, singing, & acting
Fave Book: 13 Little Blue Envelopes
Fave Artists: Mumford & Sons, Kanye, & Melanie Martinez
Fun Facts About Me: I'm a teen journalist & Board Member @ Vox Teen Communications, a self taught nail artist, and I love stars, polka dots, and the color Hot Pink. Born on the 16th, turn 16 this year, & class of 2016 so the uniform # was an easy pick.
Nickname: "C-4"
Hobbies and Interests: Swimming, Hiking, Camping, working with kids, church youth group.
Fun Facts About Me: I went backpacking 60 miles and camped for 10 days this summer in New Mexico!
Most Memorable Softball Game: I played an All Star tournament in 2012 and our team played 8 games in 1 day (We finished at 11:00pm at night)! Our team won the tournament from being the bottom in the looser's bracket. It was one of the most tiring days of my life, but we got to go to Waffle House when it was over!

Lady Warrior
K. Callaghan,
#1, Freshman

Lady Warrior
S. Cimowsky,
#11, Freshman
Nickname: "WHO"
Most memorable game (past/present): vs. Grady
Hobbies/Interests: softball, drawing, reading, playing violin, watching Doctor Who, going to the beach!
Fun Fact about You: My favorite animal is a lion :)
Future goals/aspirations: I would like to attend SCAD for college (Savannah College of Art and Design)